Monday, December 8, 2014

Holiday Haters can go to H-E-double hockey sticks

Yesterday on Facebook I made an innocent post about 2 holiday movies (Elf and Fred Claus) and which was the best. I had some guy remark they were both silly and religious holidays suck. Whoa! Slow down there Scrooge. I see post after post from angry people who just seem to hate...everything. Its that time of year, when people are just a little meaner and a lot more crazy. There REALLY is no need to say things to ruin other peoples holiday. Really. If you don't like a holiday, ok that's great..just keep it to yourself because no one wants to hear all of  THIS:

1. Happy Holidays and the "War on Christmas"
There is no war on Christmas. Long before it became the politically correct thing to say, I would pipe out Happy Holidays to people and so did plenty of others. When I say Happy Holidays I mean Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Christmas, Happy New Year and of a thousand other small religious and non religious holidays that we often don't really celebrate anymore, yet still occur in December. I grew up in a small rural town that had very little racial or religious diversity, so it never even occurred to me that people were trying to leave Christmas out purposefully because someone may not celebrate Christmas. Exactly why are we making a big deal out of this? It just isn't a big deal. If someone wants to wish me well, I am fine with however they choose to say it. Who are these people getting so up set with people saying Happy Holiday or Merry Christmas?? All I can figure is these people just don't like being told what to do. They want to move through life without all the pressure of people telling them to be merry or happy I guess. I mean those are some pretty high expectations.

2. Holiday Haters
There are people out there who actually hate holidays. Not just Christmas either but Thanksgiving (how can you hate eating food), and well basically anything that involves celebration. I sincerely don't understand what they are objecting to? People having fun? Laughter? Children playing???  Is it limited to holidays, or all celebrations?  Did no one give them valentines in third grade? 
The reality is that life is hard.  Something bad is happening to someone, somewhere every day. Yes holidays are silly and yes they are commercialized but they are important. They are days when we can come together and all have a reason to smile. I would celebrate holidays even if I had no family and no friends. I would volunteer and spend time with those less fortunate than myself and share whatever I had with them. There is ALWAYS someone less fortunate than yourself no matter what your circumstances are. If you innately do not understand the reasons we as a society celebrate things, I don't know how to help you.

3. Angry Christians
Someone said Happy Holidays! Christmas is to Commercialized! Christmas isn't a religious holiday (stop celebrating)! Complain, complain, complain!!!! Allow me to set the record straight. Christmas is the one time of year Christians really have the time to shine. You can build homes for the homeless, visit those in prison, feed the hungry....and make a difference. Don't you think that is what the birthday boy would want? Do you think he wants you making angry comments on news talk shows as the world rolls their eyes? Don't you think he would rather you be about his fathers business??? True religion is taking care of orphans and widows. In other words, what Christianity is really about is helping those who are not in a position to help themselves.Of course we should always be doing these things but this time of year...the world is looking. You can let them see large light displays and greed or you can show them light. The choice is yours.