Thursday, August 4, 2016

Red heads..possibly genetically superior or maybe just..aliens.

That picture above..that's me at about age 19. I'm pretty sure by that age I already had fairly dark hair and was lightening it some. I was born with really dark hair..that all fell out. Then it grew back red..and turned blonde..and then a rose gold or strawberry blonde color as I got older..then auburn..and now am a platinum blonde by choice..due to the fact that left to my hairs own devices it would now be a uni-color of brown, red and blonde..just kind of mucky. I however most certainly carry the red hair gene. Although my hair is now way to dark for me to be considered a ginger by any means..I'm still what you would consider, the genetic equivalent of a unicorn. Why?  Since the mid-1990s, scientists have understood that red hair and variants of red hair are caused by mutations of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene. Recently researchers realized that the mutation in the gene affects way more than your hair color, the MC1R gene is linked to everything from pain regulation to adrenaline to your ability to absorb vitamin D. 

1.) Red headed people feel pain differently than you do and require more medication to numb pain.
An average of 20% more actually. Red heads are more susceptible to toothaches and painfully cold temperatures- (and can detect even slight temperature changes) but they are entirely capable of withstanding more stinging and pressure pain than the average blonde or brunette. Whatever that means. Red heads are twice as likely to avoid the dentist due to more painful exams. Redheads have the highest risk of getting Parkinson's disease. The are also known to suffer from allergies more and are at risk during operations for excessive bleeding..

2.) Redheads are under represented in sports and the military, but you still want them around in an emergency
Research results show that redheads have lower levels of adrenaline than people with other colors of hair, meaning (by interpretation) that they tend to be less physical, not normally making good soldiers or athletes. Even though red heads are known for fiery tempers..when an emergency is in effect, by default, redheads are less likely to shoot from the hip, more likely to think things through, and as a result, be more effectual, That's not to say there are no famous redheaded athletes or generals..just less compared to their population size. 

3) Redheads are able to more easily adsorb vitamin d
Scientists have found that fair skin has an important anti-disease property. It soaks up more vitamin d, which is essential for bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Some researchers believe it may also boost immunity and help prevent some cancers and autoimmune diseases.There is strong data to suggest redheads throughout history have been more able to fight off rickets and tuberculosis due to their ability to absorb higher doses of vitamin d. 

4.) Redheads don't go grey
I've noticed this on my auburn hared grandfather now in his 80's. When i was very young it was a dark red brown, auburn..hardly someone you would walk up to an call a red head. Over the years as he aged it became more clearly red..then id call him a strawberry blond. But it isn't even white yet. I'm hoping I have enough of that red gene that this will happen to me!!  Red hair holds pigment longer and red heads hair fades in color eventually turning white but never grey. However as most red heads (like most hair colors in general) have a mixture of could still see a grey or two pop up. This also means its harder to dye or bleach..something i can attest too..I'm always fighting brassiness. Red headed people also have the thickest in each strand is thinker than a blond or brunettes strand of hair strands look as thick as pieces of string. 

5.) Redheaded women are approached by men far less
In social situations men will approach blonds the most then brunettes and then redheads. I can attest to this because I didn't go Platinum blond until I was about 29. I went from being almost never talked to by men to not being able to be left alone in any social situation. Supposedly men find red heads more attractive and have a greater fear of rejection and so approach them less. I'd say, in all actuality, some men have a fetish for that true RED color..which isn't the same. In the study the men rated the red heads as more promiscuous. So its debatable, there is however, very little debate about red headed men..who are rated undesirable by most women. a recent study about attraction and hair color shows prejudice against redheads that is nearly as harsh as racial discrimination Sorry guys..might i suggest some just for men? Here is the link to the article.   
From personal experience and this article I suggest pale blond for girls and brunette for guys. Seems those are the most universally favored hair colors.  
In the study for women "The experiment was carried out on 16 different nights in a four-week period. Each subject tested four different wigs four times. In that crucial hour, overall, 127 men approached the women wearing a blond wig, 84 men approached the brown wigged lady, 82 went up to the black haired woman but only 29 approached the red haired lady"
For men  "27.5% of the women said yes to men wearing a blond wig, 30% for the men with a brown wig, 35% acceptances for the invitation to dance were received for men wearing black hair, but only 13.8 % for men who donned a red wig" (the study took place over the course of four weeks) My theory on blonde hair on females getting approached more is a bit different than the scientists. I think it actually is more visible. Really men just aren't as deep as these scientists seem to think.   

6.) Red headed people are four times as likely to be a CEO
I got nothing I have no idea why. They just are. Perhaps they are just seen as more aggressive?

So now I have to wonder..since my hair has naturally been every color under the rainbow..what kind of weird rainbow mutation do I have?  Hope all the redheads and lovers of redheads enjoyed this. :)  

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