Wednesday, August 31, 2016

what does basic even mean

I'm pretty sick of seeing posts calling woman "basic bitches".. (its fall the prime basic bitch calling season) Quite honestly if you call someone that, you are being pretty basic, because its a popular term and the whole point of saying that is not basic or trendy..but now saying that is the cool and trendy thing to say so...

Anyway My point is it seems to me that things women traditionally enjoy are considered "basic" we don't call men basic for liking football and beer do we? Nope, just women who love Pinterest. Women alone are singled out for being stylish and trendy, and I've pretty much noticed that the people who go around calling women basic..are pretty basic themselves..obligatory butt shot..bikini picture with a beer faced photo..oh yeah, your not basic at all. eyeroll. I'm basic, you are basic..hell get over it.

Here is the thing, its ok to be "basic". Its ok to like what you like. I had a conversation with someone and when I said that... they said well you are just unoriginal and boring and not creative...all because the girl in the picture liked Starbucks and trashy magazines. Right because that's the signal. No one who has ever done anything with their life has ever went to Starbucks..ever. lol Why no they have to travel to the most hidden gem of a coffee house locally owned and pay for over priced coffee that tastes like crap to prove they are original. (you know instead of over priced coffee that is is ok at least) HAHAHA!

Women specifically (and men who don't get the concept) throw serious shade at being basic..but men well they embrace it..switch crossfit out for yoga/ pole classes and Starbucks for craft beer and you have a masculine man, a regular guy so to speak..but a girl who likes those things.."yikes" BASIC! Not sure if you are is the test for wine? brunch? Starbucks? Leggings? Amy Schumer? Reality TV? Shopping? Fashion? Make-up? Any popular music? Fall? PBR? Can I say Fall again? Seriously Fall? The beach? I could go on and on and matter who you are or what "social group" you fit into you ARE a little basic. You just are. So stop acting as if having things you like that other people like make you a lesser person. Stop acting as if you are special and different because (Reasons that are basically about the things you enjoy doing, not who you are or what you have accomplished)

Ladies calling someone basic doesn't make you original. Be basic-enjoy the little things. Be ok with liking and being honest about what you like. You are calling people basic for liking the same things we all like and then acting as if you are to good for those same things. I'm not a coffee drinker but Starbucks makes good coffee and yoga pants are comfortable, things are popular for a reason. 

Do you know what I think is basic? People who enjoy putting others down. People who never volunteer. People who have no spiritual side. People who don't enjoy holidays or celebrations. People who are so worried about what other people think that they can't just enjoy the basic things. 

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