Monday, October 17, 2016

No science hasn't proven "energy" vampires exist.

There is no real scientific proof that energy vampires exist. People do not "suck" your actual life force away..can we stop posting that ridiculous article now?? Please? It's not based on real science. The funny thing is for most of the people I see posting that fake article are kinda the real definition of an energy vampire. The definition of the word is a person who is emotionally immature. That's it. That's what an energy vampire is, because dealing with people who are in their 40's but act like they are 20 is exhausting for most of us. So yes, in a way..they do exist.

The fact is for the most part, the ladies in particular who post this article just have people they don't like. That's ok by the way. We don't like everyone, we also don't like everyone the same and sometimes we stop enjoying being friends with people we used to enjoy being friends with. That's also ok. Being emotionally mature though means you don't need a fake reason to stop being friends with someone. Just move on. No one is stealing your life force, they might be wasting your time though.

I did a quick google search and found several articles on protecting yourself from psychic fatigue brought on ny energy vampires. Really? Look I'm surrounded by people who exhaust me. REALLY. I spend so much time stressed out sometimes 'm just right at the point of snapping, but these people aren't vampires..they are just emotionally immature people. The key is for me to not let them bring me down to their level..and yes, sometimes they win. Sometimes the emotionally immature people I'm surrounded by cause me to act in a manner that is, fairly childish too.

From what I read energy vampires make you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed. They are people who are paranoid, melodramatic, insecure and manipulative.Pretty much just sounds like people who are generally not the kind of people you want to hang out with.  Not psychic energy drainers, ha ha ha. Make sure however that you aren't calling someone emotionally immature when really, its you not wanting to accept facts.. Sometimes hearing the truth hurts, but it just doesn't change the truth. I've been around people many, many times who want to get so angry when someone doesn't support them in..whatever crazy thing they are up to. Don't expect everyone to simply support you but understand, you have the right to expect someone won't create drama based on your life choices either.

I wrote this article because for the past few years I have been surrounded by people who are extremely emotionally immature. and I was told, girl you are surrounded by energy vampires! lol Perhaps not in a real psychic sense but let me tell you.....They are stealing a big part of who I am because there is really only so much stress a person can handle before they make you just as insane as they are. I'm irritable, stressed and and easily ticked off due to ridiculous drama. It can be hard day in and day out to handle added stress you really can't escape from. When people are unhappy in their own life, sometimes they need to find a reason to take from your happiness and in that sense I will say they are vampires. They pick on the people who are the most accepting, the most forgiving and who have some kind of inner joy they can't have. I know, I've been there. They aren't demonic but they sure can feel that way sometimes. I have love and support they can't have...and that's pretty hard for some people not in the same situation to accept. It can be much easier to try an attack those who are happy because why should they be?

I've noticed there is really only two tactics for dealing with people like that. The first is to avoid them and the second is to give them more kindness. The second is super hard to do but I guarantee giving away kindness never takes anything away from you..not one bit. (Not that I'm claiming I do that. lol).

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