Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Meryl Streep, have you forgot..there is no such thing as bad press?

So I thought really hard about if I should talk about this topic before I started writing. Inevitably someone will think I'm taking a side..one way or the other on the issue, and I'm not. However people don't want to hear the truth if it in ANY way contradicts who or what they agree with. If I point out a republican is being misquoted or their words twisted or they are misunderstood..well then I MUST side with that person. If I do the same for a democrat..then obviously I'm a triggered liberal. Sigh. No I just like the truth. I have become really good at reading headlines and seeing through the muck to find the grain of truth. Almost all politicians are misquoted and misrepresented by the "opposing" team. This absolutely includes both Trump and Clinton...and every other politician currently holding any real power. The problem with this is...it really doesn't matter.

Ms. Streep you didn't get up there and rant about politics because you thought you were making any real difference. Your speech wasn't particularly encouraging..or enlightening..and in fact, was more elitist than you probably meant it to be. You in fact, for a reason I can not understand brought football and mma into it. (Ok, I personally thought that was funny, but did you really think that was a smart thing to say?) Except you knew what you said wasn't going to matter much didn't you. You knew liberals (even if they found your rant a tad strange) would clap and applaud you and you would make the news. Sure half of Americans would think you were a jerk, but then you also knew that half were still going to go to the movies. I mean even the most die hard conservative isn't going to stop watching all movies and TV shows even though they know 85% of all actors, directors and producers are very liberal.

So you say some things..things no one is that surprised to hear you say. In fact you rambled quite a bit. There was no point to what you said other than, I don't like Trump and I don't like the kind of people who are conservative...not one bit. That... no matter what said of the republican or democrat fence you are on... is bad press. At the end of the day she just cut off half of all Americans, that is exactly the definition of bad press..except of course there is no such thing as bad press. I mean yeah there is, but really, if you know how to spin it..it takes alot for bad press to actually be...bad. (see Chris Brown, BP, Kayne, and even OJ Simpson) No doubt her tv rant will earn her a role in some film and some people will fall in love with her all over again-the other half of America wasn't paying any attention to her anyway. Let's make no mistake here though, she helped Trump much more than she helped herself or any agenda she agrees with.

Here is the problem with your very verbal distaste of conservatism liberals.. One more time...do you know who benefited the most from her rant?? Trump. Let me brak this down for you. I knew Trump was going to win the nomination for the republican nominee. The man was in the news every damn day. All day. He was on Fox, CNN, MSNBC..Headline News, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, the water cooler ..I mean name a news source and his name was there.  People talked about him all day long. How was I the only person who seemed to know he would win? The other nominees were hardly even on the news...unless they were talking about Trump.  Was the news on Trump good news? Um, no. Almost every article, online discussion, or post about Trump was negative..but it kept his name in the news. This isn't something hard to figure out.

Liberals, every time you talk about Trump in public..every joke you make..every rant you go off on..only puts Trump name out there more. In fact I know people who didn't care for Trump that much..but the very fact that the left just hates him so much, has completely changed their view of the man..now they are "on his team". Funny how that works. This isn't high school, making fun of your opponent just isn't going to work.

At the end of the day..negative press, is still press.

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