Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Ultimate Trump Inauguration day drinking game

 Look I'm not designing the only Trump inauguration day drinking game...but I AM designing the best Trump drinking game.I'm unfortunately a bit late getting this out as the celebration is already starting. *play at your own risk. Game continues from tonight through Saturday night.

Thursday night drink of choice:
Sam Adams #'merica

Friday drink of choice:
Margarita  #wall #mexico

Saturday drink
White Russian #bromance

Take a drink when:
-you see someone crying
-you see a make America great hat
-a bearded hippy
-crowd chants Trump
-crowd chants USA
-you see a celebrity you know
-you see a protester
-you don't know who is preforming
-someone mentions John Lewis
-the first couple dances

Take a 3 second drink when:
-anyone mentions Regan
-anyone mentions Lincoln
-anyone mentions Kennedy
-you see Obama
-you see Hilary
-anyone says Make America Great Again
-you see a marching band from your home state

Take a Shot when/if:
(fireball or rumchata is a good choice unless otherwise indicated)
-Toby Keith sings brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue
- Trump mentions illegal immigrants
-A shot of tequila if he mentions building a wall
-Baron looks bored
-Trump says big league or bigly whatever he is saying
--Trump states he will be a president for all Americans
-Trump says Very, Very
-Trump insults the Media
-Shot of Vodka if he states it would be good if we could get along with Russia
-Someone in the Media is obviously drunk
-One of the balls is crashed or ruined by protesters
-When Trump puts his hand on the bible(s)

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